Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Narkasur and Diwali.

In Goa, the evening before Diwali, giant, home made statues of Narkasur are displayed in the streets. Narcassur was a demon king who suffered defeat at the hands of Krishna. This is a classic story of good overcoming evil and is celebrated with the burning of the statues,  followed by the lighting of Diwali lamps early in the morning, of the first day of Diwali. This year, as in other years, we went for a drive around to see the statues in the villages before they were loaded onto the backs of trucks and taken to parade through the streets of Mapusa and Panaji.

At 4am the next morning R got up to help light the diyas and lanterns around the outside, front of our house.

We went back to bed until daylight then joined the family for a breakfast of various sweet dishes.

R and friends then decided to make divali decorations using scrap paper we had lying around the house. They spent hours sitting and chatting while they looped strips of paper and linked them together to make paper chains.

Later R came inside and hung some of her paper chains up. I think they look great!

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